Find full-text books and other publications, including travel guides and journals, railroad documents, recreational trails plans, and other historic publications.
Art Work of Omaha,
1896. Published in nine parts by the W. H. Parish Publishing Company, Chicago IL, the text focuses on community promotion and accompanies approximately eighty images of early Omaha.
Crofutt's Trans-Continental Tourist's Guide,
George A. Crofutt, 1871. This publication contains a description of more than
five hundred cities, towns, villages, stations, government forts and camps,
mountains, lakes, rivers, sulphur, soda and hot springs, scenery, watering
places, and summer resorts from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
Guide To The Union Pacific Railroad Lands,
Union Pacific Railroad Company, 1870. "12,000,000 acres best farming and mineral
lands in America, for sale by the Union Pacific railroad company, in tracts to
suit purchasers and at low prices."
Nebraska Nature Trails, Ruth Fleming, Nature Specialist, for the Federal Works Agency Works Project Administration Recreation Program, 1938. This publication instructs the nature enthusiast in "the laying and enjoying of a marked trail in the woods or across the prairie."
A Network of Discovery: A Comprehensive Trails Plan for the State of Nebraska, RDG Martin Shukert and Ciaccio Dennell Group, for the Nebraska Energy Office and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, July 1994. To build on the recreational trails movement in Nebraska and to promote recreational travel that does not use fossil fuels, the Nebraska Energy Office commissioned the preparation of this document. The plan provides a statewide framework for trails planning and development efforts.
Paine Travel Journals, Bayard H. Paine, 1889. "This book contains an acct. of the Experiances[sic] and exploits of the young man, Bayard H. Paine while on a tour in North Western Nebraska."
Reese Remembrances, Norman Reese, 1916. "The Reminiscences of a Hall county Pioneer Depicting, in Plain But Highly Interesting Narrative, Life and Its Trials, As Also Its Pleasures and Joys, When the Place in Which We Now Live Was a Mere Wilderness."
A Story of Highway Development in Nebraska
By George E. Koster, Project Development Division of the Nebraska
Department of Roads, 1997.
An updated and
expanded version of a 1986 edition by the author, written in informal style
without bibliography or footnotes. It traces the development of
roads in Nebraska from the first county road law passed in 1856 to the
completion of Interstate 680 in 1975, along with the evolution of the
Department of Roads from the Office of Road Inquiry in 1903 to its present
organization. Many quotations from interviews with former highway workers
are included.
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