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Nebraska Public Library Board Certification Status

The table below shows library board certification status for each public library in Nebraska. If the Expiration Date column is blank, our records show no certification participation on the part of the library. To apply for certification, complete the Public Library Board Certification Application. Boards will be certified upon completion of at least 20 hours of continuing education activities over a three-year period. Further information about the board certification program is available here or by contacting Holli Duggan.

Click individual library links to view details for that library.

Sort By:  City Library Name System Expiration Date
CityLibrary NameBd CertifiedExpiration DateSystem
AinsworthY9/30/2027 Central Plains
AlbionY8/31/2026 Three Rivers
Allen4/30/2008 Three Rivers
Alliance5/31/2021 Western
AlmaY4/11/2026 Central Plains
Ansley4/30/2008 Central Plains
ArapahoeY11/19/2027 Central Plains
Arcadia Central Plains
ArlingtonY8/31/2027 Three Rivers
Arnold Central Plains
Arthur4/30/2012 Western
AshlandY10/22/2027 Southeast
AtkinsonY9/30/2027 Central Plains
AuburnY9/14/2026 Southeast
AuroraY10/19/2027 Southeast
AxtellY9/14/2026 Central Plains
BancroftY8/31/2025 Three Rivers
Bartley8/7/2022 Central Plains
BassettY8/31/2026 Central Plains
Battle CreekY8/31/2025 Three Rivers
BayardY11/1/2027 Western
BeatriceY7/5/2026 Southeast
Beaver CityY5/1/2027 Central Plains
Beaver Crossing4/30/2008 Southeast
BeemerY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
BellevueY6/30/2027 Three Rivers
BenkelmanY9/30/2026 Western
BenningtonY4/11/2026 Three Rivers
Big Springs Western
BlairY8/31/2025 Three Rivers
BloomfieldY1/30/2026 Three Rivers
Blue HillY9/24/2027 Central Plains
BridgeportY7/1/2025 Western
BroadwaterY10/22/2027 Western
Broken BowY9/16/2027 Central Plains
Bruning3/31/2008 Southeast
BurwellY2/28/2028 Central Plains
Butte Central Plains
Byron Southeast
Callaway6/30/2008 Central Plains
CambridgeY10/18/2026 Central Plains
Campbell Central Plains
Carroll Three Rivers
Cedar RapidsY9/1/2025 Three Rivers
Central CityY9/30/2027 Southeast
CerescoY8/31/2025 Southeast
ChadronY9/15/2025 Western
ChappellY4/29/2027 Western
ClarksY10/6/2026 Southeast
ClarksonY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
Clay CenterY9/30/2027 Southeast
ClearwaterY1/31/2026 Three Rivers
ColumbusY4/30/2026 Three Rivers
Comstock Central Plains
CozadY2/1/2028 Central Plains
CrawfordY8/26/2027 Western
CreightonY5/31/2027 Three Rivers
CreteY9/30/2027 Southeast
Crofton4/17/2021 Three Rivers
CulbertsonY7/20/2025 Western
Curtis8/31/2008 Central Plains
Dakota CityY6/30/2026 Three Rivers
Dalton4/30/2008 Western
DavenportY6/22/2027 Southeast
David CityY9/30/2025 Southeast
Dawson4/30/2008 Southeast
Daykin4/30/2008 Southeast
DeshlerY8/1/2026 Southeast
DeWittY5/4/2025 Southeast
DodgeY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
Dorchester Southeast
Dwight9/30/2012 Southeast
ElginY10/1/2027 Three Rivers
Elm CreekY3/29/2027 Central Plains
ElmwoodY1/6/2026 Three Rivers
Elwood8/30/2024 Central Plains
EmersonY10/14/2026 Three Rivers
Eustis4/30/2008 Central Plains
Ewing Central Plains
ExeterY9/30/2025 Southeast
FairburyY4/11/2026 Southeast
FairfieldY12/19/2027 Southeast
FairmontY5/13/2027 Southeast
Falls CityY12/8/2025 Southeast
Farnam6/30/2021 Central Plains
FranklinY9/30/2027 Central Plains
FremontY12/7/2025 Three Rivers
Friend8/31/2021 Southeast
FullertonY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
GenevaY9/30/2025 Southeast
GenoaY10/1/2027 Three Rivers
GeringY4/11/2026 Western
GibbonY7/7/2025 Central Plains
Glenvil Southeast
GordonY3/8/2026 Western
GothenburgY4/11/2027 Central Plains
Grand IslandY6/30/2027 Central Plains
GrantY6/30/2027 Western
Greeley4/30/2008 Central Plains
GreenwoodY9/30/2025 Three Rivers
Gresham4/30/2008 Southeast
GretnaY2/28/2025 Three Rivers
Guide Rock Central Plains
HarrisonY3/16/2025 Western
HartingtonY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
Harvard8/31/2008 Southeast
HastingsY12/14/2025 Central Plains
Hay Springs Western
Hayes Center4/30/2008 Western
HebronY8/31/2026 Southeast
HemingfordY4/11/2026 Western
HildrethY8/31/2025 Central Plains
HoldregeY7/1/2027 Central Plains
HooperY3/31/2025 Three Rivers
HowellsY9/30/2025 Three Rivers
HumboldtY8/1/2026 Southeast
HumphreyY1/28/2028 Three Rivers
HyannisY3/31/2025 Western
ImperialY5/4/2025 Western
Indianola8/31/2024 Central Plains
Johnson Southeast
KearneyY2/28/2028 Central Plains
KimballY9/30/2025 Western
La VistaY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
LaurelY6/1/2027 Three Rivers
LeighY8/25/2025 Three Rivers
Lewellen Western
LexingtonY7/31/2025 Central Plains
LincolnY12/31/2027 Southeast
Litchfield4/30/2008 Central Plains
LodgepoleY8/31/2026 Western
LouisvilleY1/9/2027 Three Rivers
Loup CityY11/30/2027 Central Plains
LymanY6/30/2027 Western
Lynch Central Plains
Lyons12/1/2018 Three Rivers
MadisonY8/30/2027 Three Rivers
Mason City4/30/2008 Central Plains
McCookY5/31/2027 Central Plains
MeadY8/31/2027 Southeast
Meadow GroveY8/25/2025 Three Rivers
Merna4/30/2008 Central Plains
Milford4/30/2021 Southeast
Milligan Southeast
Minatare4/30/2009 Western
MindenY4/8/2025 Central Plains
MitchellY8/31/2026 Western
MorrillY9/30/2027 Western
Mullen5/31/2015 Western
Naper Central Plains
Nebraska CityY6/20/2026 Southeast
Nehawka Three Rivers
NelighY3/30/2026 Three Rivers
NelsonY5/1/2027 Southeast
Newman GroveY8/31/2026 Three Rivers
Niobrara3/31/2014 Three Rivers
NorfolkY3/30/2025 Three Rivers
North BendY4/8/2026 Three Rivers
North Loup6/30/2015 Central Plains
North PlatteY8/31/2025 Central Plains
OakdaleY4/1/2027 Three Rivers
OaklandY8/31/2026 Three Rivers
Oconto Central Plains
OgallalaY8/9/2025 Western
OmahaY5/12/2025 Three Rivers
O'NeillY7/23/2027 Central Plains
OrchardY9/30/2026 Three Rivers
OrdY4/30/2027 Central Plains
OrleansY4/30/2026 Central Plains
OsceolaY6/30/2027 Southeast
OshkoshY4/25/2026 Western
OsmondY3/31/2026 Three Rivers
Overton Central Plains
Oxford10/1/2024 Central Plains
PalisadeY12/15/2025 Western
Palmer Southeast
PalmyraY12/9/2027 Southeast
PapillionY8/31/2025 Three Rivers
Pawnee CityY9/30/2026 Southeast
Paxton12/31/2021 Western
PenderY9/30/2025 Three Rivers
PetersburgY5/31/2025 Three Rivers
PierceY4/30/2026 Three Rivers
PilgerY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
PlainviewY11/30/2026 Three Rivers
PlattsmouthY4/11/2026 Three Rivers
Plymouth10/13/2022 Southeast
PolkY6/30/2027 Southeast
PoncaY12/31/2026 Three Rivers
Potter7/25/2021 Western
Primrose Three Rivers
RalstonY7/31/2025 Three Rivers
RandolphY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
RavennaY9/30/2027 Central Plains
Red CloudY5/31/2027 Central Plains
Rising CityY4/30/2025 Southeast
RushvilleY5/24/2026 Western
Saint EdwardY5/1/2027 Three Rivers
Saint Paul6/1/2024 Central Plains
SargentY7/11/2026 Central Plains
SchuylerY8/31/2025 Three Rivers
ScotiaY7/25/2027 Central Plains
ScottsbluffY5/31/2027 Western
ScribnerY10/30/2025 Three Rivers
SewardY6/30/2027 Southeast
ShelbyY9/30/2026 Southeast
SheltonY9/15/2027 Central Plains
Shickley10/5/2017 Southeast
Shubert Southeast
SidneyY8/18/2025 Western
Silver Creek Southeast
Snyder Three Rivers
South Sioux CityY12/31/2025 Three Rivers
Spalding4/11/2008 Central Plains
Spencer Central Plains
SpringfieldY1/23/2026 Three Rivers
Springview4/30/2008 Central Plains
StantonY9/30/2027 Three Rivers
StapletonY4/4/2026 Central Plains
Stella Southeast
Sterling6/14/2024 Southeast
Stratton4/30/2008 Western
StromsburgY10/31/2027 Southeast
Stuart2/29/2008 Central Plains
SuperiorY5/23/2026 Southeast
SutherlandY10/16/2027 Central Plains
Sutton8/31/2020 Southeast
SyracuseY4/25/2026 Southeast
Table Rock4/30/2008 Southeast
Taylor4/30/2008 Central Plains
TecumsehY8/31/2027 Southeast
TekamahY7/26/2025 Three Rivers
Thedford Central Plains
TildenY12/31/2027 Three Rivers
TrentonY12/31/2026 Western
Ulysses7/1/2022 Southeast
ValentineY9/30/2026 Central Plains
ValleyY8/17/2025 Three Rivers
ValparaisoY8/9/2027 Southeast
VerdigreY1/1/2028 Three Rivers
Verdon Southeast
WahooY6/30/2026 Southeast
WakefieldY8/15/2027 Three Rivers
Wallace Central Plains
Walthill2/14/2025 Three Rivers
WaterlooY9/30/2026 Three Rivers
WaunetaY9/1/2027 Western
WausaY12/31/2027 Three Rivers
Waverly Southeast
WayneY8/31/2026 Three Rivers
Weeping WaterY11/13/2026 Three Rivers
West Point8/31/2024 Three Rivers
WesternY7/13/2026 Southeast
WilberY4/8/2025 Southeast
Wilcox4/30/2008 Central Plains
Wilsonville9/30/2006 Central Plains
WinsideY1/31/2026 Three Rivers
WisnerY8/31/2026 Three Rivers
Wood RiverY8/23/2026 Central Plains
WymoreY7/10/2027 Southeast
YorkY12/31/2025 Southeast
YutanY9/30/2027 Southeast


For more information, contact Holli Duggan.