Playback Equipment and Accessories for Talking Book Users
Contact your Reader Advisor if you would like more information, or to request an application for any playback equipment accessories.
Digital Cartridge Player
Talking book recordings require special playback equipment, which is available on free loan from our library. Accessories for these machines are also available. To retain a Library of Congress player and accessories, an individual or facility must borrow at least one audiobook or audio-magazine from us each year.
Headphones are only issued to readers who require them to read talking books in areas where loudspeakers are not permitted. Most often, they are used in shared living situations like nursing homes and hospitals.
High-Volume Player and Headphones
These are specially designed players with built in amplifers for individuals with significant hearing loss. The sound is boosted to a level that can cause permanent hearing loss to individuals with normal hearing.
High-Volume players require a separate application with medical certification.
This hand-held remote is for talking book users who are confined to a bed.