Statistical Data & Annual Report
Since 1988, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has collected data from public libraries in the United States. Collecting the data at the national level is "useful to researchers, journalists, the public, and policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels." The data submitted by Nebraska libraries contributes to a national file, and is used for planning, evaluation, and policy making. At the state level, submission of an annual data report is required by statute (§ 51-407) and required in order to receive state aid for accredited libraries. For unaccredited libraries, submitting an annual statistical report online qualifies for a $200 grant payment called Dollar$ for Data. The Library Commission's Library Data Services provides a compilation of the Nebraska public library data each year and makes this information available for viewing or downloading. Data is also used to generate pubic library maps. The Library Commission subscribes to Bibliostat™ Collect, a web-based product that was developed to facilitate the submission of the annual public library statistical information. Bibliostat IDs and passwords are the same as those used for accreditation applications.