Policies & Procedures
Policies are guidelines for actions that support library operations. Procedures are the detailed steps of action of how the staff will carry out policies. We have policies and procedures for the following reasons:
Policies and procedures should be reviewed every year. It's a good idea to designate one board meeting each year to conduct the review. Since policies are public documents, you can make them known to the public through your library website and also keep a copy at the check-out desk. Each trustee should have a copy of policies and be familiar with the rationale for each policy in case they are called upon to defend or interpret them. Make sure staff also have a copy and are familiar with them. If your library does not have policies, there are many available online. Just do a search on "public library policies" then pick and choose language from the results. No need to reinvent! Your funding authority may set personnel policies and procedures. If this is true for your library, you will not need to write your own. If not, check out this link: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/hiring-and-training/personnel-policies/main Resources: