noted elsewhere in this document, Chapter 51 of the Nebraska Revised
Statutes contains the majority of library-related state statutes which
will likely affect your library. However, there are other sections not
specifically aimed at libraries but which have some potential to be
pertinent. The laws listed below (which are not exhaustive) are in
numerical order. Each one listed has a brief summary of the content of
that law. You will want to read the entire statute, however, for a full
understanding of the content.
- 13-804, 13-806, 13-807, 13-825, 13-826, 13-827 - Interlocal
Cooperation Act
- Allows for separate governmental entities to provide public
services jointly. For example, a public library might extend its
services to the entire county in which it is located.
- 13-2509 and 13-2502, 13-2550 - Joint Public Agency Act
- Similar to Interlocal Cooperation Act, allows governmental
units to cooperate with other governmental units.
- 13-2530 - Public Facilities Construction and Finance Act
- Allows revenue bonds to be issued on behalf of a joint public
agency (see above) for joint projects. Libraries are not listed
but are not excluded since the phrase "[projects] shall not be
limited to" is used in the text. Note that this is for joint
projects, so it could not be used for a library building in a
single jurisdiction.
- 16-101, 16-251, and 16-253 - Cities of the First Class Defined;
Libraries and Museums; Powers of Mayor and Council
- These three sections of state law basically give first class
cities (population from 5,000 to 100,000) the power to establish
and maintain public libraries. The choice is theirs, basically, as
to whether to have a governing or advisory library board.
- 17-967, 17-968, and 17-969 - Bonds (cities of the
second class and villages)
- These allow municipalities to issue bonds (following public
votes on same) of from 5 to 20 years for site acquisition or
construction of a public library. Also requires a vote of the
- 17-969, 19-1301, and 19-1302 - Sinking Funds
(cities of the second class and villages)
- Enables municipalities to establish sinking funds (in essence,
allowing the setting aside of moneys to construct or replace large
capital items) to pay off bonds; to receive donations, bequests,
gifts, etc. for "sinking fund"-type purposes (including for the
public library); or to levy a tax for the purposes of establishing
a sinking "for the construction, purchase, improvement,
extension, original equipment, or repair...for one or more of the
following public improvements, including...Municipal
library...municipal public library, auditorium, or community house
in a single building..."
- Chapter 51 - Selected Sections:
- 51-201 - Establishment of municipal public library by
resolution of city council, village board, county commission, or
township electors. Allows tax levy of up to 10.5 cents per $100 of
assessment valuation on property. County library establishment
requires vote of the people.
- 51-201.01 - List of "basic" and "nonbasic" library services
- 51-201.03 - Establishment of county library via petition of
registered voters
- 51-201.04 through 51.201.07 - Procedures to merge municipal
public libraries at the same time a vote to establish a county
library occurs; merger of assets and staff if passed; procedure
for withdrawal of a municipal library from a county library
- 51-202 - City council or village board, once it establishes a
library, must appoint library board members, at least five, decide
their length of terms, and decide whether the board will be
appointed by them or elected by the people. Neither the mayor nor
any council member may be a member of the library board.
- 51-203 - Same as 51-202 above, but for county libraries
- 51-204 - Library board must elect at least a President and
Secretary; may have other officers.
- 51-205 - Board has power to adopt bylaws, rules and
regulations (policies) for its own guidance and for governing the
- 51-206 - Board has power to release mortgage on any property
it controls (usually not the library building itself which is
normally a city or village building)
- 51-207 - Board has "exclusive control of expenditures" of tax
money, donated money for library purposes
- 51-210 - Board may purchase or lease ground, exercise eminent
domain to secure a site for a public library (note: should be used
sparingly, if at all)
- 51-211 - Board has power to choose appropriate building for
the library, hire director and staff, set salaries, and remove
staff. (Note: Commission recommends that the library director
choose, propose salary, and recommend removal of staff other than
the director.)
- 51-213 - Board must make annual report to city council,
village board, county or township board on or before second Monday
in February each year "of the condition of its trust." The
information to be included is listed.
- 51-215 - Library may receive donated property (money, lands,
other property) for the benefit of the library, and title to that
property may be made to and shall be held by library board and its
successors in office.
- 72-2301 through 72-2308 - Public Facilities Construction and
Finance Act
- Allows governmental units to cooperate with other
government units to issue bonds to finance joint projects.
Specifically these sections of the law allow two or more
libraries' governmental entities to float bonds up to $250,000
for Lincoln and Omaha, and up to $100,000 for first and second
class cities, villages, counties, school districts, ESUs, and
community colleges. No vote of the people is required, and
such bonds do not fall under the tax lid. However a
"remonstrance" process is included whereby a certain
percentage of gathered signatures (depending on population and
entity size and type) throws the decision on the bonds to a
vote of the people.
- 84-712.05 - Records That May be Withheld from the Public
- Records retained by a public library which reveal the
identity of a customer using the library's materials or
services MAY be withheld from the public unless they are
required to be disclosed in an open court, open administrative
hearing, or open meeting. Note that this is "permissive"
rather than mandatory, but the American Library Association,
the Nebraska Library Commission, and the Nebraska Library
Commission all recommend that such records not be disclosed
unless such disclosure is ordered by a court of competent
jurisdiction. If your library retains records such as sign-up
sheets for customers using public access computers for
Internet searching, we recommend that you shred those records
- 84-1408 through 84-1414 - Public Meeting Laws (aka Open
Meetings Act)
- Library directors and library boards should become very
familiar with these statutes to ensure that library board
meetings are legal. Of particular interest are the following
- 84-1410 - Closed sessions - vote to go into; open
meeting on personnel issue if person being discussed wants
that; limits on discussion during closed session;
challenge by participant; no votes allowed in closed
- 84-1411 - Meeting notices - reasonable advance,
publicized notice; informative agendas; no alteration of
agenda less than 24 hours ahead of start time
- 84-1412 - public's right to attend, videotape,
televise, etc. public meetings; rules concerning public
- 84-1413 - any action employing a motion and second
requires roll call vote which must be recorded in the
minutes; draft minutes must be available within 10 days
after meeting;
- 84-1414 - motion, resolution, rule, regulation,
ordinance, etc. taken in violation of Open Meetings Act be
declared void by district court if suit brought; court may
order payment of attorney's fees; punishments listed for
For the full text of Nebraska statutes, go
to the following link provided by the Nebraska Legislature: