Friends & Foundation
Groups of library supporters may want to form a Friends group. These groups are created as non-profit corporations, designated by the IRS as 501c(3). A library foundation may be formed to handle monetary gifts and donations to the library. A foundation is also created as a 501c(3). Nebraska Public Libraries Friends & Foundations Contact information is provided in the table below for Nebraska public library friends groups and foundations. For information useful to friends groups and/or foundation (or for those libraries interested in starting them), United for Libraries: Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, a division of the American Library Association, offers a wealth of information on gettting started and maintaining effective organizations (as well as carrying useful tips for library trustees). The Nebraska Library Commission has had a strong working relationship with United for Libraries for a number of years and has purchased membership in the organization for all Nebraska public libraries. Nebraska and United for Libraries Nebraska Libraries: Friends and Foundations Ideas for fundraising, making the case for good local library service, public awareness, strategies, and many other topics are covered here. Local libraries and their governing and support groups should become intimately familiar with United for Libraries and all it has to offer. |