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  Public Library Director's Guidebook


The Nebraska Library Commission and the Regional Library Systems use email as a vital communication tool. If you sign up for an in-person workshop or online presentation, you'll be sent reminders and login information via email. System Directors also use email lists to keep member libraries informed about System news, workshops, services, and grant opportunities.

Why do I need an email account?

In addition to receiving important communications from both the Nebraska Library Commission and the Regional Library Systems, an email account is required to fulfill one of the twelve minimum qualifications for an accredited public library. Minimum Requirement number nine states that "Director has an email address which is used and checked regularly for library business."

How do I create an email account?

Watch this short video on YouTube to learn how to set up a free Gmail account. The video walks you through the whole process including how to select your email address name. Other common free accounts are offered through Yahoo and Microsoft. There is not a substantial difference between these email providers (all offer free accounts), so it is your choice.

What is an email list and why should I join?

The Nebraska Library Commission and the Regional Library Systems communicate using email lists. When an email is addressed to an email list it is broadcast to everyone who subscribes to that list. Therefore, it is important to sign up for all the email lists that pertain to your library. Examples of lists to which you might subsribe are E-Rate, OverDrive, Children's Librarian, and your local Library System.

How do I subscribe to email lists?

There is no cost to subscribe to the email lists offered by the Nebraska Library Commission. Go to and scroll down to see all the available lists. Click on the link near the top of the page titled "Subscribe or unsubscribe to any mailing list." Click on the "Subscribe to a List" button. Use the drop-down menu to select one list you would like to join and then fill in the remaining blanks.

Do the same for all of the remaining lists you have chosen. Be sure to read the "Nebraska Mailing List Etiquette" by clicking on that link near the top of the page.

How do I post a message to an email list?

As you look through the available email lists, there is a description of each one. In that description, you will find information about posting a message to the group, in additional to how to subscribe, unsubscribe, and to search the archives. For more information about email communication, please contact your System Office.

NOTE: The Public Library Accreditation Minimum Requirements include the requirement "Director has an e-mail address which is used and checked regularly for library business."

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