Roles of Commissioners
The Commission's six members are appointed by the Governor to three-year terms
with members serving no more than two consecutive terms. Commissioners appoint
the agency director. Commissioners, who meet every other month,
are not paid, but are reimbursed for their expenses.
As representatives of the public, the Commissioners of the Nebraska Library Commission must be the primary force
ensuring that the agency is fully responsible for the statewide promotion, development and coordination of library programs and services in accordance with nationally acceptable library standards.
Policy Making
- Approve the statement of mission of the agency.
- Approve policies guiding the operation of the agency.
- Approve the rules and regulations of the agency as filed with the State of Nebraska.
Relating to the Director
- Appointment of the Director.
- Authorize the Director to employ the necessary staff to carry out the duties of the agency.
- Provide for yearly evaluation of the Director and establish compensation based on recommendations of the Personnel Committee and the Chairman of the Board.
- Request a regular written report of activities of the agency.
- Aid and support the work of the Director.
Strategic Planning
Approve the long-range plans of the agency.
Annually examine the agency's strategy in relation to the long-range plan.
Annually review the performance of the Board of Commissioners and take steps to improve performance.
Approve the biennial operating budget to be presented to the governor
and legislature.
Review financial reports as a regular agenda item.
Be accountable stewards of public funds.
Abstain from any action that might lead to or be perceived as a conflict of interest.
Review the results of programs of the agency as compared to the statement of mission, annual objectives and long-range plan.
Provide candid and constructive criticism, advice and comments.
Approve major actions such as building contracts, formulas for disbursement of state aid, and contracts relating to policy.
Serve as advocates to ensure the funding of the operations and special programs of the agency from the Nebraska legislature.
Serve as advocates of the programs of the agency and work towards enhancing its public image.
Pursue the donation of funds from the private sector.