OCLC CatExpress Service - Nebraska Library Commission Group Subscription
Pricing effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
Levels are available from 100 titles up to 7,000 titles, in 100
title increments. So, we offer levels at 100, 200, 300, 400, etc. all the way up
to 7,000. The 2023-2024 group subscription cost is $1.46 per title. For example,
if you would like to subscribe at the 1,400 title level, the annual cost would be
1,400 x $1.46, which is $2,044.00.
2023-2024 Pricing 1
Code |
Titles |
Annual Cost |
CXP 2054 | CatExpress Custom Quote for Consortia-Annual | $1.46/FTU2 |
CXP 2230 | CatExpress Excess Usage3 |
$2.90/FTU |
1 CatExpress subscriptions are available for purchase by K-12
libraries, special libraries, federal libraries, public libraries with 20,000
and fewer population served, and academic and community college libraries with
FTE of 2,500 or fewer.
2 FTUs - First Time Use - the first time a library uses for catalog production a record already in the database which it did not input.
3 For excess usage during the July 1, 2023 through June
30, 2024 subscription period. Billed annually at the end of the subscription period.
Libraries who exceed their subscription limit may be charged $2.90 for each
record over the limit.