Continuing education (CE) credit is earned for participation in planned
learning experiences designed to bring about changes in knowledge, skills,
or attitudes which contribute directly to the delivery of quality library
services and competent practice of librarianship.
During each three-year certification period, 45 CE credits must be
accumulated in order to be recertified. No CE credits may be transferred to
a subsequent certification period.
*Note: Not all activities are eligible for CE credit. If you aren't sure
whether an activity would qualify for continuing education credit, check
Holli Duggan in advance.
Submit a
CE Activity
Report. Please allow ten business days for credit to be reflected on
your online record. To review your record, go to the
CE Record Review.
Participation in any CE activity must be reported within 90 days. CE
activities and events must be completed within the current certification
period. (For example, you may not report a class or conference you attended
if it ended before you applied for the certification program or if it
occurred before your current certification start date.)
If an activity is sponsored by the Nebraska Library Commission or by one of
the Nebraska Regional Library Systems, your attendance will be reported to
Mary Geibel so that the credits you've earned can be recorded.
Not all activities are eligible for CE credit. If you aren't sure whether
an activity or event would qualify, contact
Holli Duggan, in advance.
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The learning activities for which librarians may earn CE credits include
professional development workshops, seminars, institutes, conferences,
webinars, classes, and lectures where no academic credit is given.
Activities may be in-person with the instructor/speaker, via real-time
remote means, or watched as a recording. Eligible CE activities must meet
the guidelines that are listed in the following section.
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Activities must meet the following guidelines:
- Organized and planned for the purpose of teaching or learning about
Library Science topics
- Sponsored by a reputable agency, organization, or institution
- At least twenty minutes long (exception for the
United for Libraries'
Short Takes for Trustees videos)
Not all activities are eligible for CE credit. If you aren't sure whether
an activity or event would qualify, contact Holli Duggan, in advance.
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To review your record and CE hours, go to the
CE Record Review. Log in
using your first name, last name, and password. If you don't have a
password, please contact Mary Geibel or click here for
CE Password Reminder.
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Yes. Library Science courses for which academic credit is awarded by an accredited
college or university are eligible for CE credit. These courses must:
- Keep librarians abreast of new knowledge and developments within
their field
- Update basic library education
- Enhance their job competence (or)
- Lead to a specialization in a new area of librarianship
To obtain credit, email a copy of your transcript and course syllabus to
Mary Geibel.
*No more than 20 CE credits earned through academic coursework may be
counted towards the 45 CE credit total required for each recertification
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Non-academic or online courses related to librarianship may count for CE credit. These include
self-paced, asynchronous, and synchronous courses. Examples include courses taken
from Khan Academy, LibraryJuice Academy,, Gale online courses, or Codecademy.
Determining the number of CE credits may vary as the definition of CEUs
or LEUs differs by organization. Additionally, each student progresses
through online classes at different rates (some students may complete a
course in an hour while others may take two or three hours). For the
Nebraska Public Librarian Certification Program, the CE Coordinator will
evaluate each course submitted using the following guideline: unless the
course is offered by the American Library Association (ALA) or one of its
affiliates, each online course will count as 1 CE per week, module, or
topic that the course covers. For example, a four-week online course may be
eligible for 4 CE credits. A certificate or proof of completion may be
In order to earn CE credit, the full class must be completed. No CE will
be earned for partial completion of modules.
Please contact
Holli Duggan or
Mary Geibel, in advance if you have any questions.
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Yes. Serving as an instructor for training, courses, workshops, seminars,
presentations, or conferences for professional library communities/audiences
may earn CE credit. Credit hours are given at the rate of two times the number of
hours and may be used only once for each class, regardless of how many times
it's taught.
Example: If you teach a three-hour workshop at a conference, you're eligible for six CE
credits. You would be limited to just six hours regardless of how many times
you taught that particular workshop. The maximum number of hours received
per class taught or presentation is ten CE credits. However, teaching regular library instruction or technology-related sessions to patrons/community members or in schools is not eligible for CE credits.
Report teaching or presenting on the
CE Activity Report
and indicate that you taught or presented.
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Participation in state, regional, or national library association
activities at a leadership level, such as serving as president or as section
chair, is eligible for CE credit. Routine professional association
activities, such as serving on a committee or attending business meetings,
don't count for CE credits.
To obtain credit, email Mary Geibel and include:
- Name of the organization
- Leadership position held
- Short summary of your duties
- Dates of service
*10 of the 45 CE credits required in a single
recertification period may be earned through professional association
leadership activities.
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Publishing an article, paper, chapter, or a book on a library
science-related topic is eligible for CE credit. Articles written for a
library's newsletter are not eligible to earn credit.
- Books must be published by a recognized publisher.
- Articles or papers must appear in a recognized publication in the field of
library or information science.
To obtain credit, email Mary Geibel with a complete citation for your
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Reading articles from professional journals is eligible for CE credits.
Each article read, summarized, and reported is worth 0.5 CE credits. Each
article must be from a professional library journal and be more than two
pages in length. Articles from newspapers or general interest periodicals
are not eligible, even if the subject of an article is library-related.
Books eligible for credit must be:
- Non-fiction
- Directly related to the field of library science
- Published within the last five years
To obtain credit, email Mary Geibel and include:
- Complete bibliographic citation
- Why you chose to read this particular article or book
- Summary of the article or book
- How the information will affect your library work
*CE credits for reading a book depend on the number of pages. No more
than 4 CE credits may be earned per title.
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Examples of activities not eligible for CE credit include (but are not
limited to):
- Staff, business, committee, planning, or advisory meetings
- "Secondhand" presentations - presenting or listening to someone
present on what they learned at a conference or training
- Social or networking events
- Visiting exhibit or vendor booths
- Book discussions, book club meetings, book fairs, or book studies
- Tours of other libraries or museums (including exhibits or special
displays, unless there is a planned speaker/presentation/lecture
specific to librarianship)
- Training and orientation of volunteers, new staff, or for a new position
- Updating or reading internal manuals, documents, guides, or emails
- Routine professional association activities
- Routine job-related activities
- General library programming, such as leading storytimes, teaching a
community computer class, or
supervising afterschool clubs
- General work-related training or personal wellness topics, such as stress reduction or
retirement planning
- TED Talks, Podcasts, BookTube or BookTok channels
- Training on regular library operations, procedures, or general
office equipment (including ILS training)
- Travel time to or from events
If you have questions as to whether or not something is eligible for CE
credit, please contact Holli Duggan or Mary Geibel.
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